the Class of 2024 proudly presents...

“Öh!” is the ninth iteration of SUTD's Architecture & Sustainable Design (ASD) Graduation Showcase. Consolidating works by the B.Sc (ASD) students from the Class of 2024, these students showcase their Örigin point, their Ödyssey through, and their Öutlook towards Architecture.
Through each project, we invite you, the audience, to go “Öh?” at their curious exploration, “Öh!” at their surprise discoveries, and “ÖÖÖ!!” at their learning journey.
Enjoy the exhibit, and we hope you go “Öh!” as well!

Tai Lee Siang
Head of Pillar,
Architecture and Sustainable Design
To the ASD Class and Gradshow 2024,
“Architecture is a spirit and not an employment” - the words of Provost Prof KK Phoon rang loudly in my ears when he told me from an outsider’s perspective. I was pleasantly surprised by his insight about this profession. Indeed, architectural education prepares one to be all-rounded and well-equipped with all kinds of hard and soft skills to handle life’s challenges. Architects are trained to draw upon creativity and resources to always come up with innovative solutions and design to meet societal needs and inspire users of built environment. When given any other challenges, architects are ready to use their knowledge to overcome them. This is the true future of architects. Finally, I hope that you have enjoyed the preparation of the Gradshow and more importantly feel inspired to take up your mantle to meet the highest order of challenges in life. I wish you all a great exhibition and encourage you to continue the path less traveled.
Gradshow Team
Öh! Thanks!
Enjoyed Öh! Gradshow 2024?
With dreams of sculpting a representative, inclusive, and enjoyable graduation exhibit, our dedicated committee have worked tirelessly to piece together ASD Gradshow 2024. We hope we have brought some jöy and delight to all who have come to celebrate this significant milestone with us!
A round of applause for all graduates, and a warm thank you to all faculty and staff for accompanying us on this unforgettable journey!
Gradshow Student Commitee:
Chan Xinze
Danesh Ajith
Georgia Tan
Isaac Soh
Justin Eng
Kong Mei Jia
Lim Pei Ying
Low Ryan
Riccia Lim
Sarah Phua
Gradshow Faculty Staff:
Professor F. Peter Ortner
Angeline Lin
Rayna Tan
Lee Kah Wee

Phua Rui Yi Sarah
Ryan Low

Chan Xinze

Danesh Ajith

Lim Pei Ying

Kong Mei Jia

Georgia Tan Hui Yi
Soh Zheng Rong

Lim Yu Wen

Justin Eng Hee Yang

Peter Ortner
Faculty Advisor

Angeline Lin
ASD Coordinator

Rayna Teo
ASD Coordinator

Lee Kah Wee
ASD Coordinator